Friday, April 20, 2012

Audio, Video, and Podcasts

I've recently stumbled upon this hookah-related online radio show. It's one of the few hookah shows on the net. This is informative in some ways, as the first episode talks about good and bad hookahs. The creator, Matt, wants it to be very community-centered, with user-submitted music. Everything is done in a pretty professional manner, and while not perfect, fills a slot in the hookah community that's been missing for a long time.
Why has it been missing, though? Surely, in this age of iPods and hologram rappers, hookah culture should have proper representation in the audio field. It's not a popular activity, I suppose; cigarettes are much more popular (though, in my opinion, are disgusting). Still, not even cigarettes have a similar show, as far as I know. Smoking as a hobby is pretty ignored -- but it is a hobby. If football can have shows dedicated to it, why not hookah, or at least a "smoking general show"? We need more things like the show linked above.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mya QT Review

Mya QT Review

The Mya QT was the first hookah that I ever smoked out of, as it was the hookah used by the lounge I attend, Shi Chai. It's small -- perhaps medium height if you're generous with your measurements -- and features a small ash tray. The hose that it comes with is of a decently long length and is of good enough quality to be used and reused over and over again. A pretty, but simple vase comes with the hookah. It's portable and sturdy, and a safe buy for anyone looking for a small hookah. Though not quite on the level of, say, a Khalil Mamoon, this is a decent hookah that provides a fine smoking experience.

For the price and quality, the Mya QT gets a 4/5.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Quick Light Coals -- DON'T USE THEM!

If you're thinking of opening a hookah bar/lounge, or if you're already established; if you're buying your first hookah or if you're a veteran smoker; if you're putting on a party and intend to have hookahs available; if you're planning on using a hookah in any way -- DO NOT USE QUICK LIGHT COALS.

They stink. I mean that both figuratively and literally. The smell of a quick light coal roasting is enough to make someone vomit. A friend of mine actually did vomit because of the stink once. They're just bad -- Horrible, in fact! To be honest, I'd rather smoke a decent brand with natural coals than a great brand with quick light coals.

Sometimes I can't even get half an hour into a session due to the overwhelming stench of the coals. This is becoming a problem. Perhaps it's time to stop going to the hookah bars that serve quick lights and either go to a better one, or just stay at home to smoke. If you're thinking of buying quick light coals, please reconsider.

Starbuzz Blue Mist Shisha Review

Starbuzz Blue Mist Shisha Review

BLUE MIST. Well, I've heard good things about it. Never heard a single bad thing about it! This is apparently a very popular flavor. I've wanted to try it for a little while, but as I'm not much of a blueberry fan I've put it off until now. Blue Mist is decently powerful in its buzz -- moreso than a lot of the things I've had. It's not overpowering in any way, but it's a decent buzz. My friend didn't feel it when we went -- but, then, he's been smoking for years longer than I have.

Strength: 4/5

It's got a refreshing blueberry flavor to it. I won't say it's mint, like others do, because it's not. There really is no mint flavor here, nor menthol! It's got a similar effect, though, leading me to wonder how they did it. The smoke felt very clean, very cold; it was like drinking a glass of ice water. The blueberry came second to the quasi-mint. Both flavors represented were very good.

Flavor: 5/5

Unfortunately, my session was cut short. I'm beginning to see the problem with quick light coals -- ugh! The flavor and buzz, though, did stay with me for a good twenty minutes after smoking. Not the longest I've felt, but it was nice. Too bad my session only lasted about 40 minutes before I had to stop due to coal-related sickness!

Longevity: 4/5

Starbuzz always delivers in the smoke department. There were huge clouds given off by this shisha. It was pretty impressive! The smoke was very thick, almost like a real cloud. I can't think of anything that's given better smoke output than this.

Smoke Output: 5/5

You don't have to be a blueberry fan to have blue mist. It really is a wonderful flavor -- on occasion. I wouldn't suggest ONLY smoking blue mist. It's good, really, but it didn't blow my mind like it does for some people. Really liked the flavor -- didn't love it. I may get it again in a couple of months.

Final Rating: 4.5/5